Chapter 5
Debugging Knitted Programs

This chapter will be expanded in the future. For now, it only outlines the basics of what one must know in order to debug Knitted programs.

To debug a Knit-generated program, you must (1) compile the program for debugging, i.e., by giving the -g option to your C compiler, (2) run the Knit-generated program under a debugger such as gdb, and (3) understand how Knit has renamed (“mangled”) the names of the objects — the variables and functions — that make up the program. The rest of this chapter describes how Knit mangles the names of objects. Knit renames objects in different units to avoid name clashes. In particular, Knit prefixes every object name with a string that identifies the unit instance that contains the object. Knit assigns a unique name to every unit instance it creates as follows:

Every object that is not exported by the topmost unit instance is renamed by prepending the name of the unit instance in which the object is defined. The new name of the object is the name of this unit instance, followed by an underscore, followed by the object’s original name. For example, consider the following unit definitions:

  unit A = {
      imports [...];
      exports [...];
      link{ [v,w] <- PQ <- []; }
      link{ [x,y] <- PQ <- []; }
  unit PQ = {
      imports [...];
      exports [ p: {p}, q: {q} ];

If A is named as the topmost unit, then the three unit instances in the Knit-generated code are assigned the names:

The topmost unit instance.
The first instance of PQ within the instance A.
The second instance of PQ within A.

The instances of p and q are assigned the names:

The object p in the unit instance A_v.
The object q in the unit instance A_v.
The object p in the unit instance A_x.
The object q in the unit instance A_x.

The four names above are the names that you would use within your debugger to set breakpoints or examine variable values.

Final notes: