
You can use the following controls while dspdfviewer is running.

Note that mouse-clicks are subject to pointer position if the hyperlink support is enabled. If your mouse cursor changes to a hand, it will follow the link you are hovering on a click.

Use this if you want the clocks to stop at zero, use the G (goto) function to page 1 if you want to them to keep running.

Note that the Home key may be called "Pos 1" on some keyboards.

Keyboard: ?, F1

Display quick-help (most important key bindings)

Keyboard: Spacebar, Page Down /
Mouse: Left-Click, Wheel Down

Go one page forward

Additional keyboard aliases: Down, Right, Return, Enter, N, F

Keyboard: Backspace, Page Up /
Mouse: Right-Click, Wheel Up

Go one page backward

Additional keyboard aliases: Up, Left, P

Keyboard: B, . (period)

Toggle blanking of the audience screen

Keyboard: G

Go to specific page (a number entry window will pop up)

Note that the this counts PDF pages, so a single slide having 6 unmasking steps will be 7 PDF pages long, including the initial near-blank page.

Keyboard: Home, H

Go to the first page and reset the clocks to zero.

Keyboard: Escape, Q

Quit dspdfviewer.

Keyboard: S, F12

Switch primary and secondary screens

Use this if the audience sees your ’note’ side with the clocks and you see the actual presentation on your screen.

If you just want to see the main presentation (for example, because the projector is behind you), use T.

Keyboard: T

Switch secondary screen’s function

Use this if you want to see the audience side on your screen, without showing the notes to the audience. Pressing the button again will switch back to normal operation.

Keyboard: D

Switch duplication of the audience’s screen

Use this if you want to see the audience side and the notes on your screen (so the full presentation), leaving the audience’s screen untouched. Pressing the button again will switch back to split mode.